God Happenings

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Cindy T.

Neck Injury

Cindy T.

A few years ago I was on a trip and my whole hand inexplicably swelled up from carrying the hand luggage. I went to the doctor when I got back home and he said it was due to a pinched nerve in my back neck from a car accident when I was younger. He basically said that I would have to live with it and it might cause neck pain and decreased mobility as I got older. Of course, I went to God in prayer. He said there was nothing I could do about it so I was not to worry, just continue to pray, do my exercises, and that He would take care of me. Little did I know just how He was going to take care of it but it was one of the most outrageous miracles I’ve ever heard of, and it happened to me! I faithfully followed the Lord’s instructions. As a result, He kept me out of pain and my hand from swelling again. One day last year, while we were on our beginning-of-the-year fast at Liberty Life Center, I went to the park with my grandchildren and daughter-in-law. I was pushing them on the swings and making faces at them. In the process, I lost my balance and got in the way of the swing. It was a new design on the swing with a plastic piece that comes out in front of the child. That plastic piece came forward and hit me with infinite precision directly on my chin. I could hear the grind as my skull was moved into the proper position for my neck. It sounded like half an inch (or more) and I had excruciating pain from the base of my skull into my ears. My daughter-in-law looked at me while I stood motionless, blinking, wondering if I needed to go to the emergency room. After a few dazed minutes, the pain subsided. I moved my neck this way and that, and then I moved it in every way! Right away I could tell that I had a freedom I didn’t have before with absolutely no pain! Praise the Lord, I am healed! And I stayed healed! No problems at all! I don’t even need to do the exercises anymore! I always like to tell people that God will go to ridiculous lengths to heal them (like Jesus taking the whip marks and dying on a cross) even when they least expect it—so you might as well expect it!

Oladiran O.


Oladiran O.

All glory be to the Lord Jesus by His stripes I am healed. The enemy struck, to steal, kill, and destroy my life with an attack that took me to the valley of the shadow of death in the early hours of March 25th; starting with excruciating pain in my back and later aggravating into a state of coma in hospital. Death came but God said NO! I was resuscitated. I woke up in the ICU later and discovered my entire right side had become completely paralyzed. I bless the name of the Lord, for when it seemed all hope was lost, He overshadowed me with His overwhelming love, He clothed me with loving good people including my hosts and the loving prayerful people of Liberty Life Center. With the effectual fervent unceasing praying of the saints offered daily on my behalf, laying of hands and anointing for healing, the chains and yoke of paralysis broke. I received my healing, I am restored, walking, dancing, and praising God as my healing manifest! Hallelujah!

Dawn M.


Dawn M.

Pastor Dawn had laryngitis for a couple of months, and her voice was just a slight whisper. This made her unable to pray as she wanted, and unable to preach or teach for several services. She called upon a few others to teach in her place. One day, she prepared a sermon and was determined to preach it. It was a struggle, but she pushed through, until all at once, as she was attempting to preach, as she was making a declaration, her voice came back, strong and clear, in that very moment!


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